Optec VS5500P Vision Screener (Incl. Remote Panel)

Optec VS5500P Vision Screener (Incl. Remote Panel)


The Optec 5000P and 5500P are ideal for all industrial and DSE vision screening requirements. Visual acuity, depth perception, colour, phoria and peripheral vision can all be determined in a very efficient manner.


SKU: HLO107.1 Categories: ,


The Optec 5000P and 5500P are ideal for all industrial and DSE vision screening requirements. Visual acuity, depth perception, colour, phoria and peripheral vision can all be determined in a very efficient manner.


Ease of use
A large viewing port, combined with a test pointer, facilitates fast and effective patient testing. Height adjustment ensures patient comfort and a remote control panel (Optec 5500P) saves time and gives excellent test fl exibility.

Several features provide for an extremely accurate vision test system. An advanced lighting system ensures high resolution, true colour test images with no glare refl ection. There are no light bulbs to change as the instruments utilize a microprocessor controlled LED lighting system. A dual lens system permits a more accurate test on bifocal/multifocal patients.

Standardised test slide kits are available to meet the needs of industrial and primary care organisations. For specialist needs, there is a library of over 150 test slides available.


Design features

  • Dual lens system permits the patient to use normal bifocals without having to move their head.
  • Observation windows on the sides of the instrument permit the test administrator to identify test images should clarifi cation be needed by the test subject.
  • Confidential testing. Only the subject and administrator can observe the test and results.
  • No light bulbs to change since a microprocessor controlled LED lighting system is utilized.
  • Lens system permits far, near and intermediate testing.
  • Disposable headrest tissues for maximum hygiene.
  • Locking adjustable height mechanism accommodates all patients.
  • Includes remote control panel

Dimensions (mm): 280 x 450 x 490 high
Weight: 6.8 kg
Construction: High impact ABS plastic
Power: 240V ac 50/60Hz

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